Linear Transformer Driver

Linear Transformer Driver

The Linear Transformer Driver (LTD) technology allows a direct attack of the load without shaping the output pulse. The pulses produced may have pulse durations of between 1 μs and less than 100 ns, output voltages greater than mega volts and / or currents exceeding a mega amp.
Simple, compact and modular, this technology is perfectly suited to numerous research applications where a large current or voltage is required, such as:
- plasma physics with a large range of densities and temperatures;
- studying of intense particle beams;
- creation of extreme conditions in matter.
With a similar principle to that used in the IVA (Inductive Voltage Adder), LTD technology has a number of advantages:
- compactness;
- limited requirements for utilities;
- modularity and simplicity;
- adaptability to a broad range of load impedances;
- reduced manufacturing, operating and maintenance costs.